
Thursday, November 28, 2019

La Pelcula Nos Traslada A 1936, En Brooklyn, N.Y., Donde Se Ve Una Ma

La pel?cula nos traslada a 1936, en Brooklyn, N.Y., donde se ve una madre y su hija, ambas de origen japon?s. Se puede ver donde ambas est?n platicando como ella conoci? a su padre, y todos los conflictos que ambos tuvieron que enfrentar para poder realizar su amor. Es donde se da un retroceso en la historia y se ve un cine y un complot dentro del. Explota y se incendia. Es all? donde aparece Jack, el otro protagonista de la historia. Despu?s la pel?cula se enfoca en Little Tokio, N.Y.; un teatro japon?s es el sustento de una familia. Lily la madre la ni?a que al principio aparece en la pel?cula, es la hija predilecta y la mayor de la familia. Esta familia es de origen japon?s, pero lo que sucede es que esta se establece en EUA, es por eso que los hijos no hablan muy bien su idioma natal sino que solamente hablan el ingl?s. Es aqu? donde se puede ver un elemento cultural muy importante, la lengua, elemento esencial que determina una cultura. Adem?s de la lengua, esta familia tambi?n adopta muchos elementos culturales como la m?sica, el tipo de vestimenta y las costumbres. La m?sica que ellos escuchan es Fred Aster y los cl?sicos de Hollywood de los 30?s y 40?s. Despu?s en la pel?cula llega el momento donde Jack conoce a Lily. Esta va visitar a s u hermano para que le ayude con un dinero. Ya que Jack es todo un revolucionario que busca cambios para los trabajadores estadounidenses. Estuvo anteriormente en la carel es por eso que no tenia dinero. Cuando va visita Jack a su hermano, se toca el tema del comunismo y los derechos que se deben tener en el trabajo. Este otro punto muy importante en la pel?cula donde se puede observar como los estereotipos est?n muy bien definidos as? como los prejuicios. El pr?stamo le es negado a Jack, y donde este comienza a buscar empleo y llega al cine donde el papa de Lily es due?o. Existe una vacante, porque el anterior empleado se suicido por deshonra, ya que su mujer lo enga?aba. Este es otra ilustraci?n que nos da la pel?cula, donde las costumbres de una persona pueden ser tan arraigadas en una y en otras no, cuando se cambian de pa?s. Ya que por ejemplo aunque este se?or, no viva en Jap?n, este como quiera sigui? las costumbres que se practicaban en su pa?s. Jack comienza a trabajar de pr oyector en el cine y conoce a Lily fue amor primera vista. Pero algo se interpuso en su relaci?n primero la cuesti?n racial, a lo que en comunicaci?n intercultural le llamamos comunicaci?n inter-racial. Jack no era bien visto por el papa de Lily y muchos menos aceptaba su relaci?n. Esto debido a que el Sr. Fukjioka se quer?a casar con Lily y todo en su familia estaban a favor de que ella se casara con el, esto no era grato para Lily, ya que este hombre era viejo y sent?a repudiaci?n hacia el. Jack trata de hablar con el papa de Lily, pero esta platico no tuvo ?xito, ya que aunque Jack le habla del esfuerzo, que aunque no entiendo muy bien sus tradiciones, esta dispuesta a aprender por que ama a Lily. Ante tal situaci?n Lily huye de la casa y se casa con Jack en Seattle. Su relaci?n fructifica, ya nace una ni?a, dentro de su matrimonio las cosas cambian empiezan haber discusiones, esto es otra vez por el trabajo. Ya que Jack era un hombre col?rico y colectivista. Que buscaban el bien com?n. Despu?s en la pel?cula hay un cambio crucial ya que hay un despojo en Little Tokio, debido a la guerra que hay con EUA y Jap?n, la bomba que destruyo Hiroshima y Nagasaki. Toda la familia es traslada a un campo de concertaci?n. Donde ten?an que vivir en un establo. El papa ya no esta con ello porque sospechaban del y despu?s de un tiempo regrese con ellos. Jack se mete a la militar para poder as? visitar a Lily a su peque?a al campo de concentraci?n. Lo que sucede en el campo de concentraci?n, es que los japoneses se adaptaron a la

Monday, November 25, 2019

Iditarod History and Overview of The Last Great Race

Iditarod History and Overview of The Last Great Race Each year in March, men, women, and dogs from around the world converge on the state of Alaska to take part in what has become known as the Last Great Race on the planet. This race is, of course, the Iditarod and though it doesnt have a long official history as a sporting event, dog sledding does have a long history in Alaska. Today the race has become a popular event for many people throughout the world. Iditarod History The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race officially started in 1973, but the trail itself and the use of dog teams as a mode of transportation has a long and storied past. In the 1920s for example, newly arrived settlers looking for gold used dog teams in the winter to travel along the historic Iditarod Trail and into the gold fields. In 1925, the same Iditarod Trail was used to move medicine from Nenana to Nome after an outbreak of diphtheria threatened the lives of nearly everyone in the small, remote Alaskan town. The journey was nearly 700 miles (1,127 km) through incredibly harsh terrain but showed how reliable and strong dog teams were. Dogs were also used to deliver mail and carry other supplies to the many isolated areas of Alaska during this time and many years later. Throughout the years, however, technological advances led to the replacement of sled dog teams by airplanes in some cases and finally, snowmobiles. In an effort to recognize the long history and tradition of dog sledding in Alaska, Dorothy G. Page, chairman of the Wasilla-Knik Centennial helped set up a short race on the Iditarod Trail in 1967 with musher Joe Redington, Sr. to celebrate Alaskas Centennial Year. The success of that race led to another one in 1969 and the development of the longer Iditarod that is famous today. The original goal of the race was for it to end in Iditarod, an Alaskan ghost town, but after the United States Army reopened that area for its own use, it was decided that the race would go all the way to Nome, making the final race approximately 1,000 miles (1,610 km) long. How the Race Works Today Since 1983, the race has ceremonially started from downtown Anchorage on the first Saturday in March. Starting at 10 a.m. Alaska time, teams leave in two-minute intervals and ride for a short distance. The dogs are then taken home for the rest of the day to prepare for the actual race. After a nights rest, the teams then leave for their official start from Wasilla, about 40 miles (65 km) north of Anchorage the next day. Today, the route of the race follows two trails. In odd years the southern one is used and in even years they run on the northern one. Both, however, have the same starting point and diverge approximately 444 miles (715 km) from there. They join each other again about 441 miles (710 km) from Nome, giving them the same ending point as well. The development of two trails was done in order to reduce the impact that the race and its fans have on the towns along its length. The mushers (dog sled drivers) have 26 checkpoints on the northern route and 27 on the southern. These are areas where they can stop to rest both themselves and their dogs, eat, sometimes communicate with family, and get the health of their dogs checked, which is the main priority. The only mandatory rest time however usually consists of one 24-hour stop and two eight hour stops during the nine- to twelve-day race. When the race is over, the different teams split a pot that is now approximately $875,000. Whoever finishes first is awarded the most and each successive team to come in after that receives a little less. Those finishing after 31st place, however, get about $1,049 each. The Dogs Originally, sled dogs were Alaskan Malamutes, but over the years, the dogs have been crossbred for speed and endurance in the harsh climate, the length of the races they participate in and the other work they are trained to do. These dogs are usually called Alaskan Huskies, not to be confused with Siberian Huskies, and are what most mushers prefer. Each dog team is made up of twelve to sixteen dogs and the smartest and fastest dogs are picked to be the lead dogs, running in the front of the pack. Those who are capable of moving the team around curves are the swing dogs and they run behind the lead dogs. The largest and strongest dogs then run in the back, closest to the sled and are called the wheel dogs. Before embarking on the Iditarod trail, mushers train their dogs in late summer and fall using wheeled carts and all-terrain vehicles when there is no snow. The training is then the most intense between November and March. Once they are on the trail, mushers put the dogs on a strict diet and keep a veterinary diary to monitor their health. If needed, there are also veterinarians at the checkpoints and dog-drop sites where sick or injured dogs can be transported for medical care. Most of the teams also go through a large amount of gear to protect the dogs health and they usually spend anywhere from $10,000-80,000 per year on gear such as booties, food, and veterinary care during training and the race itself. Despite these high costs along with the hazards of the race such as harsh weather and terrain, stress, and sometimes loneliness on the trail, mushers and their dogs still enjoy participating in the Iditarod and fans from around the world continue to tune in or actually visit portions of the trail in large numbers to partake in the action and drama that is all part of The Last Great Race.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Theological Anthropology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theological Anthropology - Essay Example We shall thus consider that which is common to all faiths in terms of morality and then proceed to take this a step farther and liberating it from the traditional perspectives to encompass a broader view of humankind. In seeking to understand the morality of any given actions, it is helpful to use some sort of compass in which to judge any action as purely moral or not. In order to not bias the discussion to any one faith, we will apply a method that virtually anyone will be able to accept yet does not invoke the singular nature of any one faith. The most general and acceptable rule of this nature that has ever been attempted is to be found in Kant's categorical imperative. The categorical imperative would denote a requirement that is absolute and unconditional and whose authority must exert itself in all circumstances. According to Kant, we can distill the categorical imperative into three basic precepts: 1) Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law; 2) Act in such a way that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end and never merely as a means; and 3) Every ra tional being must so act as if he were through his maxim always a legislating member in the universal kingdom of ends. That is to say, any moral law that can be considered as a categorical imperative is one in which you can will it for everyone and is not limited to any person or group of people; what applies to the prince must also apply to the peasant and vice-versa. Next, we must focus on deontological ethics by necessity since to do otherwise would allow actions for expediency and outcome rather than the morality of the actions themselves. Each and every other person must be treated as an end and not a tool. in other words, there can be no inhuman use of human beings as tools to accomplish a goal. They themselves are the goal since the morality of an action cannot be separated from its application to every human being and in no way can this be interpreted as using one human being fore the benefit of the other. Lastly, this law must be considered as one in which all human beings, barring none, act as equals in enacting this law as a means of harmonizing the moral kingdom, thus bringing about a state of perfect moral equality among all humankind. Critics of this approach tend to follow the consequentialist schools of thought, in which the ultimate goal is looked at and not necessarily the means to achieve it. This approach to morality is faulty in large part because it ignores a critical aspect that Kant himself did not make much use of, but which has increasingly important as we see people trying to follow a moral code and failing miserably. The categorical imperative seems admirable in theory, but unworkable in practice, so thus people often ignore the internal aspects of the requirements in favor of practical success. The missing element in consequentialist theories and the element that makes many people view the categorical imperative as unworkable in practice is, in fact the focus on the external world rather than recognizing

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Characteristics of Effective Nurse Leaders Essay

Characteristics of Effective Nurse Leaders - Essay Example They assist and support frontline nurses in the clinical setting. Among the qualities of an exemplary nurse leader possesses include a passion for nursing, optimistic, can form personal connections with the general staff, has an excellent mentorship skill, a role model and has the ability in crisis management based on a set of moral principles. An exceptional nurse leader is passionate in conducting his or her duties and optimistic about the ability of the nurses under their charge. They entrust the nurses under their charge with circumstances that arise however complicated it can be, under their close supervision and are ready to give a hand. Leaders possess excellent communication and interpersonal relationship skills enhancing their interaction with their nursing coworkers; this enables them to understand and share openly and freely with the nurses under their charge. The nurse leader has a strong ability, superior knowledge, and expertise in crisis management. They are very tranquil in all situations and are good decision makers. Efficient and reliable leadership can promote and satisfy productive work in any professional field. In the nursing profession, nurses needs to work in an active environment defined by peace and goodwill. The most useful characteristics of a quality nurse leader include passion, teamwork, integrity, and ability to manage crises. Passion entails strong sense of enthusiasm towards a given task. Passion compels the feeling of love towards the nursing profession. An exemplary nurse displays passion during times of turbulence. A passionate nurse would accommodate the distress that relates with the profession. It is notable that nurses who have no passion would quit once the profession demands more services from them. Passionate nurses have good relations with colleagues and workmates. They have the potential of ensuring the wellbeing of workmates and the patients as aforementioned. Such archetypal nurses develop a working

Monday, November 18, 2019

IMC and Customer Satisfaction Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IMC and Customer Satisfaction - Research Paper Example Advertisement strategy of Holden Trucking and its alignment with marketing goals Holden Trucking is an American organization, which deals in several business dimensions. These business dimensions generally comprise transformation of building materials, motor vehicles, construction carrier and farm supplies among others. Being a medium-sized American company, it is observed as operating its aforementioned businesses under the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). When considering its IMC strategies, the organization can be observed as utilizing various advertising tools in order to advertise its products and/or services offered to the customers worldwide. In relation to the advertising strategy of Holden Trucking, these aspects fundamentally comprise official website promotion, seasonal printing advertisements and billboards. Execution of the aforesaid advertising strategies in the form of various advertisement tools further tends to be aligned with its marketing goals i n terms of promoting its products and/or services to around 48 states of the US and Africa (FindThe Best.com, Inc., 2013). Effectiveness of the advertising strategy of Holden Trucking The effectiveness of the advertising strategy, as implemented by Holden Trucking, can be determined in terms of identifying the sales of one of its products i.e. barley in its network joining 48 states in the US along with Africa and the subsequent satisfaction level observed among the consumers residing in those particular regions. It is worth mentioning that proper management and effective exploitation of advertising strategies can facilitate an organization towards marketing its various products and/or services, subsequently attracting the customers towards buying a product. In relation to Holden Trucking, the marketing tools that are utilized by the organization such as billboards, websites and seasonal printing advertisements would eventually impose a favorable impact upon the perceptions of the c ustomers residing throughout its business network. The IMC strategies performed by Holden Trucking will become much effective at the time when the people in all the 48 states and Africa generating greater awareness about the brand and its products and/or services offered. Moreover, selling of the product will also contribute in making the advertising strategy of Holden Trucking much effective. Different promotional strategies that may be used in addition to advertising Apart from the above mentioned IMC strategies aimed to promote the products and/or services offered by Holden Trucking throughout its network comprising all the 48 states and Africa, there are also certain other various promotional strategies that might be used by the organization in order to attract more customers and gain long-run efficiency in its targeted marketing area. In this similar concern, Holden Trucking might use diverse promotional strategies of personal selling, product giveaways and social media among o thers. Theoretically, the promotional strategy of personal selling denotes advancing the interrelation with the customers. In the similar context, product giveaways signify facilitating the potential customers with a product sample, resulting in promoting a new product. The other promotional strategies of social media represents promoting products and/or services in a relaxed business setting through the incorporation of various social media websites such as Google

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analysing Aquafina Bottled Water

Analysing Aquafina Bottled Water Aquafina bottled water is bottled around the country in 33 different locations from municipal tap water. It is both filtered and purified in a process that involves seven separate steps called the HydRO-7 Purification System. Included in the steps are processes such as filtration, exposure to high intensity light, osmosis, polishing, and ozonization. What results is water that has a Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) content of 4 parts per million (ppm), 2.5 times lower than the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maximum amount. The packaging of the water goes through a long process and creates some muda. Many of the Pepsi bottling processes are outsourced. For example, the bottles are manufactured by Amcor PET Packaging North America. The process is also very detailed and complicated in order to ensure both safety and a reliable product. We will also be explaining every material in the packaging process. Additionally, we will be discussing the recent boom of the water industry and its environmental implications over the last decade. The amount of natural resources being used to produce the entire bottled water package, is extraordinary, and causing a real problem. The environment is also being contaminated on a daily basis with a majority of the bottles being thrown away as opposed to being recycled. Along with the destruction of our planet, plastic bottles and the water contained within them are starting to be seen as a serious health threat. For the economical part of this paper, we will touch on Aquafinas numbers over the past few years and try to predict the future. We will also make suggestions on how to gain a bigger market share, and how to make safe products in a business perspective. Pepsi-Colas Aquafina, which has reigned as the number-one brand for several years, has become the U.S. bottled water businesss first billion-dollar brand in 2004 has sustained strong growth in 2005 when wholesale dollar sales neared $1.3 billion. Introduction Bottled water is one of the biggest selling beverages in the world due to its convenience and quality taste. Whether due to the uneasiness of the safety of tap water or the convenience of the bottle, bottled water continues to gain profit share for companies in the industry. Specifically for busy college students such as ourselves, it has become increasingly important for us to be able to drink water when not near a water source. Hence, the product we chose to study is Aquafina bottled water. When one purchases a bottle of Aquafina, he will receive the purified water and the bottle in which it is contained including its label, nutrition facts and ingredients, and a sealed cap. Although the Aquafina water bottle is only meant for one use, many choose to refill their bottle with ordinary tap water. Because Pacific Lutheran University contracts its beverages and vending machines through Pepsi, Aquafina is the most consumed bottled water for our campus. This report is the study of the Aquafina bottled water process, value stream, muda, and economic evaluation of the bottled water that is widely circulated not just on our campus but around the world. The HydRO-7 Purification System Purifying the Water Achieving Aquafina water is a complex and complicated process. Aquafina bottles water in 33 different municipal locations around the country from underground formation springs, the same location as our tap water. Whereas tap water is merely filtered and treated to remove bacteria and contaminants, Aquafina takes an extra step by purifying the water using the Hydro-7 purification system which removes substances according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards. Creator of the state-of-the-art purification system, the HydRO-7 removes substances in seven different steps. The Aquafina website provides the consumer with information related to the filtration and purification steps of its product (www.aquafina.com). Prefiltration In this first step, the system removes tiny particles in the water through a filter. Polishing filter Here, this first polishing filter (of 2) catches any particles that were missed in the previous step. High-intensity light A burst of high energy light imparts energy into the water stream to eliminate naturally occurring organic substances in the water. Reverse Osmosis (R.O.) Here, the system uses pressure and a hyper filter to remove 98% of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and organic compounds from the water. The TDS is the sum of all dissolved solids in water in parts per million. This step uses semi-permeable membranes with smaller pore sizes than micro filtration, ultra filtration, and nano filtration to remove substances such as sodium and chloride from the water. Charcoal Filtration This step isolates the elements that affect the taste of the water in a charcoal filter. Polishing Filter This is where the system polishes the hydrogen and oxygen elements in the water to make the water clear. Ozonization The system passes purified, oxygen-rich air through a generating cell. Here, three oxygen molecules are brought together to keep unwanted particles away. When they have done their job, they revert back to double oxygen molecules. Here is a standard Aquafina nutrition facts label found either on the bottle or the packaging. More important than what is in Aquafina water is what has been removed. The Aquafina website suggests that everything that the system removes from the water is unnecessary and perhaps harmful to humans (www.aquafina.com). The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires a maximum of 500 ppm (parts per million) of TDSs in spring water and the FDA requires 10 ppm in purified water. Aquafina, a purified water, bottles water at 4 ppm, 2.5 times lower than the FDA standard (Mosko, 2004). The process removes the following trace compounds from the water: Carbonates Bicarbonates Chlorides Sulfates Phosphates Nitrates Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Calcium and potassium are necessary for the human body, but they are still removed. Aquafina claims that the minute levels in the water have little effect on human health and removing them only delivers a more pure water (www.aquafina.com). However at the end of the purification process,  ¼ of the bottled water that Aquafina bottles is tap water (Mosko, 2004). Aquafina claims to have the purest water in the industry, but even more pure and containing less TDS is Penta water, which goes through a rigorous 11-step process and distributes water with 0.5 ppm TDS. Pentas website also explains the process and the advantages of Penta in detail (http://www.pentawater.com/what.shtml). The Aquafina system at the plant in Austin, Indiana, for example, has bottles 32,000 gallons of water an hour. The system is computer monitored and keeps track of which valves are open and closed and how much is in each tank. The Aquafina system is also used for bottling soft drinks at the plant. All the water is carbon-filtered in one of two tanks; the same process is used for all the water that is used in soft drinks, only the Aquafina water goes through the extra step of ozonization (Investing, 2004). Pepsi/Aquafina Bottling The Bottle Pepsi Bottling Ventures LLC (PBV) In July of 2002 the first products were being produced at PBVs new small-bottle PET line in Raleigh, NC in a 200,000 sq ft production/distribution plant. This was a $40 million investment for PBV that gave the company the ability to increase production. PBV has bottling rights for Pepsi products covering most of North Carolina and a portion of Long Island, NY. One of the facilities that upgraded to the PBV production bottling plant was the Raleigh location with the primary goal being the production of bottled water under the Aquafina label, one of the fastest growing products within Pepsi. The need for this upgraded production facility from PBV offers Pepsi the ability to be competitive and cost-conscious (Mans, 2003). Features Individual sanitary enclosures are designed and manufactured by ICS Intl. These contain washing/capping/filling systems on the PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) lines. The fillers are housed in one room, with a common heating, ventilating and air conditioning system. The PBV plant features an individual sanitary enclosure for each filling system with monobloc filler guards that are integrated into the face of the enclosure. The enclosures have an epoxy floor that is sloped to a stainless-steel drain, vision panels and a complete air-quality control system. The walls and ceiling are made of insulation sandwich panels consisting of inside and outside stainless-steel panels filled with polyurethane foam. The clean rooms come complete with lighting, doors, an air filtration unit, air conditioning, and an air exhaust system. The air-filtration units maintain pressure in the enclosure to prevent outside air from entering (Mans, 2003). Bottles Aquafina uses bottles that are produced by Amcor PET Packaging-North America. Amcor uses PET to make plastic containers for Pepsi products. Amcors website states that this plastic material is manufactured from various by-products of the oil and gas industries, especially ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. PET consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and can be incinerated without residues for energy recovery. PET is the most valuable of the recyclable plastics. It offers the ability for the container to be lightweight, shatter resistant, resealable and recyclable. The formation of a bottle is blow molded which involves blowing air into a molten plastic tube and then forcing the material to follow the shape of the mold. Injection molding is also involved which is the process of converting plastic pellets by using heat and pressure to inject the molten material into a water-cooled mold. Amcors website explains this technology (http://www.amcor.com/Default.aspx?id=505). Filtration/Sanitation/Air Quality The units have three filtration stages. These stages involve roughing filters, bag filters and HEPA filters for an average air quality of Class 1,000. ICS added an air extractor that sucks the air from the enclosure and ducts it outside the plant to avoid discharging air loaded with sugar or ozone into the surrounding area inside the plant. Air quality is optimized through the limits that are placed on the filler. This also allows the operator to stand outside the room and control the machine (Mans, 2003). Bottling Pre-labeled bottles are delivered to an automatic depalletizer on pallets with cardboard slipsheets between the layers. The depalletizer raises the pallet one layer at a time. A sweep carriage equipped with suction cups swings over and automatically removes the slipsheet and deposits it in a bin for return to the bottle supplier. The depalletizer then indexes the layer of bottles up, and the carriage sweeps the bottles onto a mass bottle conveyor. The bottles on the small-PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) line are then conveyed in mass to two Lanfranchi high-speed bottle scramblers which have rotating turrets that orient the bottles in an upright position. Level sensors in the hopper of each unscrabler turn delivery elevators on and off to maintain bottles in the hoppers. The bottles from both unscramblers converge in single-file and are injected into the neck-guided air-conveyance system, where the bottles are supported by rods beneath their neck finishes. The bottles are then pushed along the chamber by air blowing. The depalletizing workcell includes three depalletizers and is designed to allow two operators to feed containers to three production lines. Empty bottles are conveyed directly via air conveyor into the sanitary enclosure and the infeed star of the monobloc rinser/filler/capper. All bottle-handling within the monobloc is accomplished by supports under the neck rings of the bottles. The bottles are delivered to the gripping heads of the 108-station rinser through the entrance starwheel, and are turned upside down as the unit rotates. Purified water is sprayed into the bottles through nozzles affixed to the gripping heads, and then drains out as the unit continues its rotation. This solution contains ozone for maximum cleaning efficiency when producing Aquafina. Bottles are then turned upright and discharge through a starwheel that also serves as the delivery starwheel to the filler. The filler for these bottles is an isobaric-volumetric machine with 144 filling valves. Each filling valve is connected to the central tank through a product pipe and two gas pipes connected to the carbon dioxide supply. One pipe is used for the bottle pressurization and the other pipe for the pressure stabilization between the tank and the filling valve. When running Aquafina, the system uses nitrogen instead of carbon dioxide. The level inside the filling cylinder is essentially the same as the level in the central tank, and changes in the quantity of fill for different bottle sizes is accomplished by changing the level in the central tank. A piston in each cylinder is adjusted by an external magnetic coupling to set the exact volume to be filled to an accuracy of  ±2 mL. This is done from the operator panel (Mans, 2003). Capping From the filler, bottles travel through another starwheel into the 36-head Arol CSD screw capper. Caps are supplied by Alcoa and are sorted and delivered to the capper by a system from SIDEL, Packaging Systems Div. Caps are loaded into a hopper located outside of the enclosure. Then a nearly vertical belt carries the caps to the top of the enclosure. Caps are contained on horizontal cleats on the belt and if any caps improperly orient they fall back into the hopper. The belt discharges the caps onto a track that carries them down to the capper. A transfer star picks the caps from the track and places them on the capping head, which then rotates synchronously above the bottle turret. The capping head lowers and screws the cap onto the bottle as the unit rotates. Capped bottles leaving the enclosure pass through an Industrial Dynamics Filtec x-ray fill height inspector. The capped bottles then pass two Videojet Excel ink-jet printers that print a freshness date on the bottle cap tamper ring. The plant has installed two of these units to provide redundancy in case one unit malfunctions. For added security a Domino laser printer applies production codes and a freshness date to the bottle. After being coded the bottles then travel onto a multichain mat-top conveyor that slows their transport speed from 350 to 40 ft/min and accumulates the bottles from single-file to mass (Mans, 2003). Label/ Glue/ Packing /Packaging A HiCone machine produces six-packs of 16- and 24-oz, and 500-mL bottles. The bottles are delivered to the machine in two lanes. The two lanes separate six bottles and apply the plastic carrier material. The material is delivered in a continuous web to a large vertical wheel rotating above the bottles. The wheel pushes the web down onto the six bottles, and it is then cut to separate the six-pack. The packs are then diverted into two lanes and fed to a Hartness 2650 continuous-motion case packer that places four six-packs into reusable plastic crates for delivery to the PBV warehouse for distribution. Bottles can also be conveyed to a packing installation incorporating a Model MW7 multipacker and a Model TDL tray former/loader and shrink wrapper, all supplied by Douglas Machine. Each of these servo-driven machines has its own control panel, with intuitive touchscreen interfaces with real-time production data, maintenance scheduling and changeover settings. Bottles are delivered to the multiwrapper where groups of six or 12 bottles are then wrapped in registered film. This is a dual-stream machine that wraps two parallel groups of bottles simultaneously. Bottles are delivered in mass to the machine and are separated into either six or twelve bottle groupings by a proprietary pinless metering system. The groups are then delivered into the wrapping section. The film is placed around the bottle group and the package is conveyed through a heated shrink tunnel. Four six packs or two twelve packs are then delivered to the tray former/loader. The machine forms a tray from a paperboard blank, pushes the wrapped packs onto the tray, and then seals the open sides with hot-melt glue. This glue is applied by a Nordson glue system. Some 500-mL bottles, as well as 20- and 24-oz bottles of all products can bypass the multipacker and be delivered directly to the tray former/loader. After these are placed on the tray, it travels through a shrink wrapper/heat tunnel. Once the products are packaged, they are conveyed past a Videojet ink-jet case coder for application of production codes and then overhead to an automatic palletizer. Each sku is individually palletized to a designed stacking pattern. Individual packages are delivered to the upper level of the palletizer and are assembled into layers. After each layer is completed the platform is then lowered so the next layer can be assembled. Finished pallet loads are released at floor level and are transported by pallet conveyor to an Orion stretch wrapper. PBV uses plastic pallets that have improved palletizing efficiency and eliminated the debris and floor damage that are usually caused by wood pallets (Mans, 2003). Finished Products/ Reductions of Plant Costs Finished products are stacked two or three high, without pallet racks, and are rotated by code dates. The warehouse has been designed to have twin-load pallet racks in the future that will accommodate four-high stacking. The forklifts are also responsible for placing empty pallets into the palletizers. The PBV plant was specifically designed to allow all raw materials and finished goods to be handled on double forklifts. These forklifts allow two pallets to be picked up at a time and greatly reduce loading and unloading time of the production equipment. The dock equipment was engineered to allow the movement of these extra-wide and heavy loads in and out of the building. The double-fork trucks are also used to load trailers with finished products going to the sales centers, unload return trailers with empty plastic pallets and shells, store empty shells and pallets, and feed empty shells to the three lines. Double-fork trucks greatly reduce the number of forklifts and total travel distance in high-volume beverage plants (Mans, 2003). The Need for Water Vs. The Need for Bottled Water Water is a precious resource and the source of life. Its one that many people take for granted on a daily basis, and because of that, a water crisis has been developing over the last few decades. According to a study done in the year 2000, 346,800 million gallons per day (mgd) of freshwater and 61,200 mgd of saltwater were used in the United States (Water, 2006). Based on these numbers, its figured that the typical American single family home consumes, on average, 69.3 gallons of water per day (Water, 2006). Our daily needs include hydrating ourselves, using in food preparation, flushing toilets, showering, kitchen and bathroom sink purposes, and washing clothes and dishes. These uses attribute to the amount of water consumed, both for purposeful reasons, as well as for wasteful and unnecessary reasons. While hydrating ourselves to keep our body functions working properly does not consist of a large portion of the daily water usage among Americans, it is still an amount that is being used and will never decrease. Human beings need, on average, eight to twelve cups of water per day to replenish the approximately ten cups of water lost each day due to body functions, varying either more or less depending on activity level (Lempert, 2004). Because of this physical need, someone realized that they could profit. This profit realization turned into a multi-billion dollar business we now know as the bottled water industry. The thought that one day human beings would spend money on a bottled version of something that they can get from their own home for a fraction of a cent for the same amount, is mind-boggling but has become the norm. Nothing is created without a need or a want; hence, bottled water was created. Since the U.S. is becoming a more on-the-go society each and every day, Americans rely more and more convenience items. One example of this is the rise of fast food restaurants, which happens to be a factor in the current obesity epidemic in America. So, because of this go, go, go! mentality, many just do not have the time to walk to a sink and fill up a glass with water. They instead need to have it right by their side, only needing to open up a cap and just toss it to the side when it is empty and open up the next thats right there. Another beneficial aspect is in times of emergencies, such as a hurricanes or earthquakes, the water supplies to those areas are usually shut down and/or contamin ated. In which case, bottled water is needed for consumption. Besides the convenience and emergency factors, Americans seem to think that bottled water is a safer, and sometimes, tastier, alternative to tap water. Some people fear coming down with gastrointestinal illnesses, while others fear contaminants, such as pesticides, to enter their bodies (Terry, 2005). People live under the impression that all bottled water is safer to drink than tap water because of a typical misconception, the idea that if it is bottled or packaged by a beverage or food company, then it must be safe. This is an idea that can be argued back and forth. Consumption, Recycling, Physical Harm, and Muda The amount of bottled water being purchased is growing almost exponentially each year. According to a bottled water study, based on the year 2004, Americans consumed 6.76 billion gallons of the pricey beverage (Falcone, 2006). This total amount averaged out to 70 million one-serving bottles being drank each and every day (Falcone, 2006). Consuming that many bottles of water everyday is incredible, and it is no wonder that entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas all the time on how to get into the bottled water industry. A big reason for the increasing amount of bottled water drinkers is because of, as mentioned earlier, the convenience. It is a lot easier to grab a couple of bottled waters from the refrigerator before going somewhere. Aside from the convenience or laziness factor, the rise in bottled water consumption has begun to have a serious impact on our environment. With the amount of bottled water being produced everyday, there is a high amount of left over product once the water has been drank that must be dealt with. That portion left over happens to be the plastic bottle, something that is not the most earth-friendly item. Of the daily amount of bottled water being consumed, 70 million, 60 million are never recycled (Falcone, 2006). On a daily basis, that means that approximately 86% of bottles are thrown away and sent to a landfill, hurting our environment. This also means that 60 million new plastic bottles have to be created each day to replace those that are thrown in the trash, which amounts to more natural resources being used and more future muda being produced. What is more disturbing is that once these bottles are taken to a landfill, they can take up to 1,000 years to fully decompose (Falcone, 2006). First of all, how is someone able to compute that amount, because, after all, bottled water is a fairly new concept? And secondly, wi th 60 million bottles being added to dumps each day all over the U.S., where are the bottles going to be taken to in ten years, when most likely the amount of bottled waste has doubled, or even tripled? So why is it that the majority of plastic bottles are not being recycled? Many experts say that it is because vehicles are not equipped with recycling receptacles (Falcone, 2006). Since a majority of Americans who purchase bottled water are on-the-go all the time, they have less patience and desire to hold onto their empty plastic bottles until they get to a location where a recycling bin is present. It is easier to just throw them in the trash or on the street. It seems ridiculous that it is easier for people to throw a bottle in the trash as opposed to recycling especially when many places are placing recycling bins next to trash cans. This laziness and lack of patience is causing an extreme amount of harm on the environment. To put this idea into perspective the amount of muda in California created ten years from now would create a two lane, six-inch deep highway that stretches the entire coast of California (Wilson, 2003). During the rare 14% of the time when empty bottles of water are recycled, a lot of good can come from them and it is a step in the right direction in helping the environment. The raw materials used to make the plastic bottles can be saved and used for numerous items which helps to save resources from being destroyed to make new products. By looking at California only, it is estimated that one billion plastic bottles get thrown away over the course of a year (Wilson, 2003). This amount calculates to almost three million bottles being thrown away each and every day (Wilson, 2003). That is an incredible, as well as, disturbing, amount of unnecessary trash. If instead of being thrown away each and every one of those bottles were recycled, the materials reused could produce either 74 million square feet of carpet, 74 million extra large T-shirts, or 16 million sweaters (Wilson, 2003). It is incredible to think that a plastic bottle could be turned into other useful items and help save the environment by not using as many natural resources. Some other interesting information about the recycled material is that five recycled bottles can produce one extra large T-shirt, polyesther carpets can be created from the resin contained within the bottles, and the materials of the bottle can be spun like cotton candy and produce filling for quilts and pillows (Recycling, 2006). By looking over these types of statistics, it paints a wonderful picture of how recycling so much can be saved. Many precious fossil fuels are wasted in this process. The transportation of bottled water to other parts of the U.S. as well as being shipped to other parts of the world uses large amounts of fuel on a yearly basis. This fuel is being wasted on a daily basis for a product that a majority of Americans can get for almost nothing just by turning a knob in their own home (Arnold, 2006). Besides wasting fuel on transportation costs, this same precious resource is being consumed during the packaging process. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the type of plastic most commonly used to produce bottles and just so happens to contain crude oil (Bottled, 2005). According to research, 1.5 million barrels of crude oil is used over the course of a year to be able to produce the amount of bottles Americans demand (Bottled, 2005). Putting this amount into perspective, 1.5 million barrels would be enough to fuel approximately 100,000 cars for an entire year in the U.S. (Bottled, 2005). It is no sho ck that our world is currently dealing with a fuel crisis. By wasting such an extreme amount of oil on the production of bottles and transporting the finished product, we are not only hurting the environment but we are ruining the future for the next generations. Previously mentioned was the apparent safeness of bottled water as opposed to tap water. While in some cases this may be true, tap water can be just as good as bottled and it may even be safer. Many scientific studies have been conducted on bottled water over the years and some of the information found is disturbing. Unlike tap water, which is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bottled water is classified as a food. Hence, it is regulated by the Food Drug Administration (FDA) (Mosko, 2004). The two groups have different standards in which companies are to follow otherwise harsh consequences result. Some differences are that the FDA does not require products to be tested for coliform bacteria whereas the EPA specifies that no confirmed E.coli or fecal coliform contamination is allowed in tap water (Howard, 2003). Also unlike the EPA, contaminants are not required to be listed after testing whereas additives are required (Mosko, 2004). Since 1990, findings of chem ical contamination and fecal coliform during testing have caused 11 major recalls of bottled water (Mosko, 2004). According to a study done by the World Wildlife Fund, bacterial counts in bottled mineral water can jump 1,000-fold after one week in storage (Mosko, 2004). When bottled water is stored in an un-refrigerated environment for a long period of time, the amount of microorganisms that begin to develop are far greater than the amount contained within tap water (Mosko, 2004). Some water companies, including Aquafina, do not use NSF-certification which tests bottled water for 144 dangerous contaminants (Mosko, 2004). Besides the water being unsafe in many cases, the plastic bottles can also cause a health threat to consumers. When bottled water drinkers notice a taste difference between brands, some of that difference can be attributed to the type of plastic used for the bottle. If the type of plastic used can have an effect on the taste of the water, shouldnt that make a person wonder as to what else the plastic is doing to the water microscopically? One such chemical used in PET bottles, known as Bisphenol-A, is a known endocrine disruptor and carcinogen (Mosko, 2004). This chemical found through testing mixes with the water contained inside the bottle (Mosko, 2004). It is one thing for a person to be inhaling smoke from cigarettes and knowing the possible cancer they are creating within their body. But it is absolutely ridiculous and uncalled for when a person unknowingly harms their body on a daily basis by drinking a product they are told is healthy and necessary for survival. With all of these findings from studies, just how good is that three-dollar bottle of water looking to a person now? Economical and Environmental Analysis in the Business Process First, some numbers on PepsiCo and Aquafina: According to the New York Times, The Pepsi Bottling Group posted better-than-expected profit April 18th as strong sales of Aquafina bottled water and Lipton Ice Tea brands in North America offset rising costs for raw material and fuel (Pepsi, 2006). The company had net income of $34 million, or 14 cents a share, compared with $39 million, or 15 cents a share, in the period a year earlier. Earnings were 3 cents ahead of analysts average forecast of 11 cents a share, according to Reuters Estimates. Excluding stock option expense, Pepsi Bottlings profit was 18 cents a share. The company, which is 43 percent, owned by PepsiCo Inc., said revenue rose to $2.37 billion from $2.15 billion. In the United States, sales of noncarbonated beverages, excluding water, grew more than 20 percent in the quarter while sales of Aquafina water grew about 35 percent. Pepsi Bottling said first-quarter sales by volume, a crucial gauge of performance in the bevera ge industry, rose 6 percent worldwide as well as in the United States and Canada. The company said worldwide net revenue per case grew 4 percent, fueled by price increases in the United States that helped offset a 9 percent jump in selling, delivery and administrative expenses (The New York Times, April

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Split Brain: Some Thoughts :: Biology Essays Research Papers

The Split Brain: Some Thoughts "Left, right, left, right--the marching song of the two-mind movement. To hear them talk, you'd think that everyone had a second mind, suppressed by the first. That the vocal left brain dominated the poor artistic right brain. Preventing it from getting a creative thought in edgewise. Soon there will be a consciousness raising movement: Stop referring to the left cerebral hemisphere as the "dominant" one. Invent a more egalitarian term like co-chairperson. Co-chairhemisphere?" William H. Calvin, "Left Brain, Right Brain: Science or the New Phrenology." The brain is separated into two hemispheres in your brain, the right and the left. At first glance these hemispheres appear to be mirror images of one another, but on closer observations the two hemispheres have highly specialized regions that serve differing functions (1). In general, the right hemisphere interprets information and controls actions of the left side of the body. The left hemisphere interprets information and controls actions of the right side of the body. A thick band of fiber called the corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres. Evidently if the connection between the hemispheres is severed, a once common practice to relieve epileptic attacks, sensory information cannot pass to the correct region of the brain in order for a corresponding response to be made (2). Thus, your brain is SPLIT...! To me the split brain theory seemed a bizarre notion. Isn't my brain a whole- controlled by the centrally located "little man" who receives my thoughts, processes and multiple functions of my brain? If this is true how could the brain be split into two? Do you have two "yous" then? The split brain effect was first discovered by Roger Sperry and Ronald Meyers in the early 1960s (3). Meyers and Sperry showed that when the cat had its optic chiasm and corpus callosum severed, two independent learning centers were established - one in each hemisphere of the cat's brain. If the cat had its right eye open and its left eye covered and learned to make a simple conditioned response, it was unable to make the same response when the right eye was covered and the left eye was open. It was as if the learning was unable to be communicated to the other side of the brain (2); thus, it was obvious that information available to one side remained off-limits to the other.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Vietnam: A Three-Day Tour

Among many beautiful places in the East, Vietnam is one of the must-see countries. Setting foot in this country provides an unforgettable experience.The historic temples, serene beaches, and peaceful countryside are what tourists find most enigmatic. Even the overly populated markets in the country provide travelers with an unforgettable and exciting experience. The sceneries and warmth of the people provide visitors a taste of the local culture and a perception of Asians in general.Vietnam is located in the Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulfs of Thailand and Tonkin, and South China Sea. It is alongside China, Laos, and Cambodia, and very near Thailand so tourists can easily find trips to neighboring countries after enjoying their tour of Vietnam. At present, Vietnam’s population has grown to almost 85 million in 2008 (Population Council).Most people associate Vietnam with wars possibly due to films that feature the Vietnam War. However, Vietnam is more than what we see in fil ms. Contrary to the what others believe regarding the Viet Kong, Vietnamese are peace-loving and warm-hearted people. They are called Vietnamese, which is similar to the official language.There are around 50 tribes which include the Kinh (also known as Viet) who make up the majority of the population, the Tay, Thai, Muong, Khome, Hoa, Nun, Hmong, and others. Aside from the Vietnamese language, English is becoming a popular language especially among the younger people. Some can speak French, Chinese, and Kmer while dialects among the natives in the mountain areas include Mon-Khmer and Malayo-Polynesian.When planning to visit Vietnam, most visitors need to apply for a tourist visa in advance. Vietnamese visa is inexpensive at the rate of USD 40-80 when applying directly to the Embassy. Another way to apply for visa is upon arrival in Hanoi, but this requires a pre-arranged application with the Hanoi Immigration Department. To do away from the hassles, it is recommended to obtain visa a week or two before the trip.Throughout the country the average temperature is between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius. During summer, the average temperature is 28 degrees Celsius. Rainy season starts from May and it ends in October. At its peak, some lowlands are affected by flood, so it is best to visit either in summer or autumn.If one wants to witness the rich culture of the Vietnamese, the best time is during the traditional Vietnamese Tet (Lunar New Year). Tet is a week long festival and is the most important festival of the year usually every last week or January or early February.As expected, prices during this time are raised radically, and most of the locals are on holiday so business is typically paralyzed, with some hotels, transportation companies and restaurants closed down. Therefore, those who prefer to travel around this period should have a well-organized trip with a tourist company. Otherwise, it will be difficult to go around without a good companion.When making a sh ort visit to Vietnam, visitors have at least three choices. For those who love the city, the best place to go is Ho Chi Minh (formerly known as Saigon). There, one will experience Asian nightlife at its best. Those who are after relaxation and peace must see Hanoi and Halong Bay; while those who are after adventure and exploring nature should try Sapa and Mekong Delta River.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Planning and implementing classroom meetings Essay Essay Example

Planning and implementing classroom meetings Essay Essay Example Planning and implementing classroom meetings Essay Essay Planning and implementing classroom meetings Essay Essay Class room meetings do supply a perfect forum for the constitution of a contributing acquisition environment in the school scenario. It does give the scholars a perfect environment for them to pattern their communicating and socialisation accomplishments which are in cooperated in the instruction course of study. The category meetings are meant to function some intents which are listed below. Purpose of the category meetings: The chief intent or major purpose for category meetings is to seek and decide some cardinal subject jobs that are encountered in the acquisition environment. The category meetings do hence make the needed environment for the instructor and scholars to work together in seeking to decide some jobs that are ever encountered in the school scenario for illustration subject jobs whereby scholars harass other scholars in category or during play clip. doing noise that disturbs the acquisition environment negatively and other incidents. Through the category meetings. an attack is created whereby the instructor and the scholars try to decide the first few incidents of misbehaviour before they do acquire out of manus. An illustration of a minor struggle that can acquire out of manus and go a major full graduated table subject job is the instance whereby a given scholar is invariably being bullied by other scholars who happen to hold bigger and stronger organic structures as compared to him/her. If this sort of frailty continues for some clip so it is likely to take that peculiar scholar to a province of being depressed and experiencing unwanted in that environment. Once the scholar enters the province of being depressed so he/she is likely to get down utilizing drugs to get away the province of depression and sometimes it can take the scholar to dropping out of school. Therefore. when a meeting is held in the category. it serves a intent of seeking to steer and advocate the scholars to avoid such frailties and handle each other reasonably with some equity in order to make a more contributing environment for larning. The category meetings do besides function a intent of easing and making a positive relationship in the acquisition environment. The meetings provide an chance for the scholars and the instructors to be able to construct some signifier of trust. regard and assurance in each other which leads to the creative activity of a warm and caring environment. The assurance created by the category meetings leads to the creative activity of an environment that is full of common apprehension thereby enabling all the category members to do statements or province sentiments freely without experiencing unsecure. Classroom meetings do develop closer relationships between the scholars and even between the scholars and their instructors. This closer relationships come when the scholars are discoursing issues or are holding conversations in a relaxed mode whereby they do talk of where they come from. about their households and there general background. This relationships end up making a category that is manageable since the involved parties do acquire to cognize and understand each other consequently. A good illustration is when a instructor holds a meeting with her kindergarten scholars ; at foremost the kids are non so free with the instructor. They tend to make and maintain a certain distance between them and the instructor. A instructor may inquire them to react to some inquiry but they choose to be quiet and non that they do non cognize the response. but they could non be free with the instructor. But if she holds some meetings with them whereby she addresses them heartily so she is bound to interrupt the communicating barrier between her and the immature scholars. This ends up making a relationship of common benefit between the scholars and the instructor. ( Marshal 2001 ) . Through category meetings. scholars do get of import development accomplishments. The accomplishments include the ability to listen attentively and to hold an apprehension of each other. As the category meetings go on. scholars discover that if they do non pay attending or listen carefully and attentively to what the others are stating. so they are meant to lose some key interesting points and some humourous parts. ( Marshall 2001 ) . Class meetings besides have a intent in enabling the scholars to develop other accomplishment for illustration reflecting listening whereby a scholar is supposed to rephrase what he/she had heard earlier on from a schoolmate. This accomplishment enables the scholar to listen with some signifier of apprehension. A brooding duologue besides enables the scholar to develop a clear and concise address which is an of import component in the art of communicating. It enables the scholar to cognize that if there address is non clear so there point may non be understood decently or clearly and hence they won’t be able to do their point or position known ( Marshall 2001 ) . Learners gain accomplishments that enable them to be team participants. When they are keeping treatments in the category meetings. the assorted sentiments that they give from their point of position and parts that they make helps them in cultivating the squad liquors. Aims of category meetings. Classroom meetings do hold some aims that serve to better the life of the scholars and instructors in the acquisition environment. The aims are meant to: Better the general communicating accomplishments of the scholars. The communicating accomplishments include the hearing and speech production accomplishments. When the scholars are take parting in the treatment of issues that affect them in school they non merely nurture their speech production accomplishments but besides their hearing accomplishments which are an built-in constituent in the acquisition environment. The hearing accomplishments enable the scholars to pay close attending to what the others in category are seeking to pass on. Provide chances for the scholars to develop accomplishments for insightful. originative and critical speech production ( Marshall 2001 ) . Classroom meetings provide a platform that enables scholars to pattern their speech production accomplishments. When the scholars are engaged in arguments during the category meetings or when they are asked by the instructor to give their ain positions on some given issues. it does give them that chance that enables them to better and even cultivate better speech production accomplishments. Their creativeness is improved when they are asked to give solutions and supply a manner forward for some critical issues that affect their wellbeing in school. Create an chance for the scholars to interact respectfully and advance their squad work spirit. The interaction with each other in category meetings enables the scholars to understand each other from all positions. Team work spirit enables them to be squad participants and to work together in deciding any jobs and miss-understandings that they face non merely in school but besides in the outside universe besides where they run into bigger and tougher challenges. Foster societal accomplishments for illustration cut downing shyness ( Marshall 2001 ) . Classroom meetings enable scholars to interact positively through take parting in conversations and arguments in category which enable them to get the better of their shyness as they become more confident in keeping treatments. The more the scholars participate in category meetings. the more they overcome their shyness. Classroom meetings build a trusting and caring relationship between the scholar and the instructor. When the instructor holds a meeting to discourse with the scholar issues that do impact them in a friendly manner them the relationship between the instructor and the scholar is bound to better. The scholars will liberate being with that instructor which is a necessary demand for the acquisition procedure to be more effectual. The scholars will be free to inquire the instructor any inquiry which they do non understand and in bend the instructor will make what is required of him/her professionally. Agenda of schoolroom meetings. Agenda. from the position of category meetings is a term meant to mention to the different affairs that affect the scholars and are meant to be solved during meetings through giving suggestions. discoursing them or utilizing any other appropriate manner to work out them. Class meetings are designed in such a manner that they try to better the acquisition environment and alteration it positively get downing with the pupils themselves. Teachers have their ain dockets for schoolroom. for illustration the instructors use the meetings to derive some instructional aims from the scholars ( Marshall 2001 ) . Instructional aims are obtained when the instructor asks the scholars inquiries that pertain the category meeting or the lessons held in category. For illustration the instructor can inquire the scholars to give suggestions on how they could do the following lesson better than the present one. It gives the scholars the chance to reflect in their heads and seek to give suggestions that will assist better the following lesson. This sort of contemplation besides helps those childs who easy switch of from the current events to other 1s that are non portion of the category meetings. When they are asked to give suggestion refering the improvement of the meeting so they are likely to linger on when that lesson or meeting is held since they gave a suggestion refering it. Teachers can besides hold other dockets like puting up the tone of a category for acquisition. This is peculiarly an of import docket particularly when a given category is a really hard category to pull off for illustration a category that is full of mischievousness from the scholars. If a category meeting is held at the beginning of the acquisition procedure. so the instructor might be successful in implementing some regulations that will be used through the acquisition exercising and set the right tone for the acquisition procedure from the beginning of that session to the really terminal ( Marshall 2001 ) . Having Class meetings can besides hold dockets that involve scholars discoursing on the right attack for them to utilize in making their assignments and in reexamining them. For illustration they can discourse whether it is appropriate for them to keep treatments as a whole category in order to make reexamine an assignment that they had done earlier on or it will be appropriate for them to make the assignments in smaller groups or it will be more appropriate for them to make them separately through research. Such an docket enables the scholars to happen a better manner of managing their category work. a manner that will profit them more. They besides get to give grounds why they think a given attack will profit them more than the other attacks. Besides in the category meeting docket. the manner of covering with minor jobs should be spoken about or discussed. Covering with category room misbehaviours should be an docket. In some instances. particularly when covering with immature scholars of lower categories. a teacher gets ailments like â€Å"teacher this one is squashing my hand† . Both the scholars and the instructor should hold on what to make during such incidents. When the scholars decide for themselves. it becomes a certain manner of commanding some frailties in the category room as they will be witting of what they will be making in category and will evidently seek every bit much as possible to avoid acquiring into problem. Explicating inquiries. The intent. aims and ends of the meeting should be clear to the instructor in order to enable him/her to explicate the right sort of inquiries that will enable him/her to accomplish all the ends of the meetings. The instructor must explicate unfastened ended inquiries. Open ended inquiries ask for a treatment and are the best when keeping a category meeting as they require more than merely an reply. They let the scholars to give accounts as to why they feel as they feel. ( Marshall 2001 ) . Closed complete inquiries are those that require simple replies merely. They do non arouse any accounts from the scholars. They require a yes or no reply. Such inquiries should be avoided at all times. They do non even play a simple function of fostering the creativeness of the scholars. The unfastened ended inquiries help a batch in bettering the creativeness of the scholars as they give room for the scholars to believe widely and seek to come up with the right solutions or reply to a given job. The instructor should therefore formulate open-ended inquiries. An illustration of unfastened ended inquiries is a inquiry that begins with â€Å"Why? † or â€Å"How? † . This manner. a justification is given by the pupil and at the terminal does demo that the pupil did make some thought or logical thinking. The instructor should besides explicate inquiries that seek for elucidation. A scholar should seek to explicate the grounds why they chose on a given reply. In other words. the scholar should non merely give a level reply but besides explain that reply and seek to clear up it more. Some scholars have a inclination of allowing their heads wonder far off from the events that are presently taking topographic point in category and one time they are asked to reply a given inquiry they ask their neighbours in category and give an reply that serves the intent of delivering them from some shame. If a instructor formulates inquiries that seek elucidation so the learner’s attending will most probably be captured to stop of the meeting. Length. clip and frequence Length. clip and frequence of a category meeting depends on the category and age of the scholars. the nature of that group. the sort of involvements that they have during the meetings and the type or nature of subject that is being discussed. Meetings for immature kids. for illustration those in kindergarten should be planned and held for around 10 proceedingss while the 1 for older scholars i. e. those in higher categories can be held for a longer clip. about 20 proceedingss. ( Marshall 2001 ) . The meetings should ever be held at the same clip as planned or as in agenda. For illustration. some instructors do keep meetings before the category interruption for tiffin. at the terminal of the period or when the twenty-four hours ends. Teachers. who handle in-between and high school categories. keep meetings at the beginning of every category in order to discourse how the scholars are doing on and to look into on the advancement of the category undertakings. These meetings that are held at the beginning of the category in co-operate the scholars into the planning procedure which leads to increase in the acquisition processes even though merely a few proceedingss are spared for a treatment. Harmonizing to Marshall. the simple categories should keep meetings on a day-to-day footing as a manner of maintaining them in path. It checks on their behaviour and if they are making what they are supposed to make in school. Marshall besides argues that if the center and high school categories do non keep meetings on a regular footing so they will be striping themselves of the so many advantages that do come with the meetings when they are held on a regular basis. Physical environment. The physical environment should be created in a satisfactory mode. The sort of physical environment created should vouch the meeting some quality. For illustration if a instructor decides to make a circle or to follow a circle format for the meeting. so it is obvious that the meeting will hold a high quality attached to it since the scholars see each other face to face and are hence able to read each other’s looks every bit good as hear the words that are being spoken in a better manner as compared to them being seated in rows and confronting the instructor whereby the scholars won’t be able to see the 1s who are lending from the dorsum of the category ( Marshall 2001 ) When the scholars are seated in rows. they will writhe around to see the individual lending from the dorsum. This leads to miss of concentration that is a necessity in the treatment. Therefore. instructors should follow an environment that is more effectual for the treatment to be of a greater success. A circle format for the sitting agreement is the best for keeping category meetings. Furniture. Desks are a barrier to open treatments in category. They should be moved in order to pave manner for a circle. The scholars should merely utilize their chairs if the meeting is to be more effectual. For the younger scholars. those in lower classs. sitting on the floor will be more effectual in that motion will be minimum from them. It will besides salvage clip for traveling desks and chairs since they are immature and make non cognize the value of clip. ( Marshall 2001 ) . Role of the instructor. The major function of the instructor is to ease the meeting. For illustration. the instructor has to supervise the scholars. pose the right inquiries and give the right replies to the scholars. The instructor has to guarantee that the right remarks are made to every pupil who attempts to convey something into the treatment. If a instructor remarks on merely one learner’s part and ignores the other. so that pupil is bound to believe that his part was non worthwhile. The instructor has to reason the meeting. He/she has to sum up all the points that have been discussed and to do certain that all the scholars understand all that has been discussed. Role of the pupil. The pupil plays a function in implementing what has been discussed and agreed upon. If the meeting set an docket on maintaining silence in category. so the scholar has to seek and be soundless. If they agreed on how cleansing of schoolrooms should be done so the scholar has a function to play to do certain that all is a success. Closing the meeting. The instructor should give a sum-up of the whole meeting on what has been agreed upon. The instructor could besides pull a consensus or merely province the in agreement solution in a job work outing meeting. It serves to reenforce the treatments of the meeting. Evaluation. At the terminal of the meeting. the instructor should inquire himself or herself some inquiries that reflect on the meeting and are meant to better accomplishments. For illustration: are the scholars showing their ain sentiments? Are the pupils exposing any grounds of insightful thought? ( Marshall 2001 ) . The instructor can besides asses the degree of engagement of the scholars i. e. if they all took portion in the treatment. In decision. category meetings are an of import portion in the creative activity of a contributing acquisition environment. When meetings are held with the scholars. they non merely look into on the behaviour of the scholars but besides better the relationship of the scholars and the instructor which is an of import facet in the instructor pupil relationship. Mentions. Marshall. M. ( 2001 ) . Classroom meetings. . New York: Piper Press.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Changing Heart Rates Study essays

Changing Heart Rates Study essays Nervous control of heart beat - Page 4 Broker, (2011) states that 'the cardiac cycle is the cyclical contraction (systole) and the relaxation (diastole) of the two atria and the ventricles.' Each cycle is initiated by the spontaneous generation of an action potential in the sinoatrial node. Diastole lasts around 0.4 seconds. Increasing pressure in the ventricles closes the triaspid and mitral valves; this then means that all four valves are closed. Ventricular pressure continues to rise until eventually the pulmonary and aortic valves are forced open and blood is ejected into the pulmonary artery and aorta (Crowley, 1996). When the heart rate is increased the amount of time the diastole and systole take place is shortened, so that more blood is pumped out in one minute. During aerobic exercise cellular respiration in muscle cells need to increase significantly to maintain its performance. When exercising, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is needed in order for muscles to contact (Brown, 2006). This provides energy and allows movement on demand. When muscles contract hard and as fast, we use ATP far faster than it can be possibly made. Whilst exercising, ATP is made using a chemical reaction that requires oxygen. The oxygen comes from the air breathed into the lungs and is then carried to the muscles in the hemoglobin of the red blood cell. This way of making ATP is called aerobic respiration. This is the breakdown of glucose with oxygen to provide energy for the muscle cells. It produces heat which increases body temperature and carbon dioxide which we breath out. To maintain a steady supply of glucose and oxygen to working muscles, and the removal of carbon dioxide will allow an increase in stroke volume (Sherwood, 2012). During exercise, the card iovascular system works harder. It needs to deliver oxygen to muscles. The volume delivered by each beat of the heart (stroke volume) increases. Whilst exercising, the initial increase i...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Matthew Shepard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Matthew Shepard - Essay Example This paper examines the murder of Matthew Shepard with respect to the circumstances leading to his death and his legacy. Alongside his younger brother, Shepard led a normal childhood attending school in Wyoming since his freshman to junior years. Shepard completed his education at The American School, Switzerland after his parents moved to the Saudi Aramco Residential Camp in Dhahran owing to his father's work. His experience abroad largely influenced his desire to travel, which led to an unfortunate incident during a school tour to Morocco where he was beaten and raped. This ordeal triggered a bout of depression and panic attacks that are attributed to his involvement with drugs during college. Shepard attended college in Casper, Wyoming to major in political science where his interest in politics sought him a position as a student representative at the Wyoming Environmental Council. Friends and family described Shepard as an overly optimistic individual looking forward to new chall enges. In addition, he held great passion for equality and acceptance as demonstrated in his roles at the community theatre and thus, was very approachable (â€Å"Matthew’s Story†). The tragic events that transpired shortly after midnight on October 7, 1998 followed the conclusion of a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Association (LGBTA). The organization comprised mostly of university students, but welcomed the indulgence of staff members as well as the townspeople. In spite of a low attendance during its meetings, the association’s email list was illustrated as a long one. The meeting on the night of October 6 was meant to organize last-minute details of the Gay Awareness Week slated for the following week. The association’s chair, Jim Osborn, had been attacked before the meeting where he described the events to fellow members and asked them to be vigilant. LGBTA traditions involve late night coffee breaks before adjournment. Shepard visited a lo cal bar where he was approached by Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson who offered him a ride home. However, events took a dramatic turn after the two drove to a rural area and proceeded to rob, bind Shepard to a fence, and whip him with the butt of .357 Magnum in their possession. He suffered had severe brainstem damages, fractures on his head, and numerous lacerations on his face and neck. The combination of these injuries incapacitated his body’s ability to control the heart rate, temperature among other vital functions. Shepard was discovered over 12 hours later by cyclist who perceived his bound composure and comatose state as a scarecrow (Thernstrom). Found in a near death state, doctors described his condition as too severe to risk an operation and as such, Shepard was placed on life support. Meanwhile, the brutal attack attracted the attention of local, national, and later international media shaping the calls for legislations to include the sexual minorities to the list of protected individuals by the law. Shepard was pronounced dead about a week later with his family by his side at the hospital. All the while, Laramie authorities investigating the heinous crime sought to retrace the last events of Shepard’s life McKinney and Henderson were arrest after they were found in possession of Shepard’

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Features of poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Features of poverty - Essay Example It could be more effectively defined by looking at its cause and effect and association to other related aspects. Rather than just simply looking at the insufficiency of resources, we must focus on the efforts exerted and the conditions that brought about the insufficiency. There is also truth in saying that poverty should not be measured by money alone. Two people could obtain the same amount of money but one could be deemed poor in possessions because of misallocation. This also deals with how money is spent. In a study by Christophe Muller, he posed the question whether poverty measures are a real economic phenomena or only hidden consequences of methodological choices. He also stated that there is a difference between being poor in a poor community and being poor in a wealthy environment. Thus, it could be established that defining poverty lines is such a tall order. We cannot just simply apply the same measure everywhere and all the time. (3) One would be shocked at how many factors affect not only poverty but also our understanding of poverty. Technically, other factors such as inequality, taxation, and income distribution should also be considered in evaluating economic conditions. In his paper, Defining Poverty Lines and Identifying the Poor, Peter Sanders purports that the government has a stake on the people's welfare particularly in its policies on wages and social benefits. In reality, the government should not take on the burden of ensuring the people's financial welfare but the most that it could do is formulate sound policies to ensure equality and economic security. (5) Then, there is the question if poverty could be accurately gauged by a certain measure or statistics alone. Definitely, this is not so true since poverty could not be defined as something quantitative but more so qualitative. Poverty is also suggestive of the quality of life or living conditions. (6) Sanders further claims that in a so-called outcome-oriented perspective, poverty is not measured but rather experienced by those who fall to it. Poverty does not become potent when it is gauge but rather when it felt. History tells us that it is not only the poor who complain about life becoming more and more difficult but also those who are well off. The worst kind of poverty happens when the people and government could not afford to have or provide themselves good education. It could also be said that poverty in a nation is also indicative of its social and political system and the stability of its laws and policies. People really do have different notions of poverty and this is most times subjective. This is further elucidated in the study done on DSS clients. This further makes the idea of solving this social condition impossible especially if those stricken by poverty do not realize or recognize that they are poor. In addition, this disparity could happen on the other extreme, when the wealthy think that they are poor. A nation would have to be clear at establishing the poverty line or define the standards of living before it could effectively define poverty. Destitution does not just concern our needs and wants but also how we manage our resources or income. It was also discussed how poverty per se is not a single entity but something that could take different forms and just like every social issues, it has evolved. Now, in a paper entitled GLOBALIZATION AND POVERTY,